Howl & Growl is going semi-virtual in 2020 due to the ongoing Zombie Apocalypse! Enter your pets and kids in the two online costume contests sponsored by Boofy's Best for Pets: KOB Halloween Photo Contest and A Virtual Fiendfest 2020. Then, stop by Boofy's on October 31st or November 1st to pick up your pet's Halloween goodie bag while supplies last!
The KOB Halloween Photo Contest features categories for pets and kids. The winner of each contest will receive a $100 gift card to Boofy's. Online voting begins 10/12/2020, entries are accepted through 10/29/2020, and the winners will be announced on KOB on 10/30/2020. Go here to enter:
A Virtual Fiendfest's virtual costume contest is a fundraiser for FAT KATZ and has 4 categories: Best Family, Best Dog, Best Cat, and Best Other Pet. The winner of each category will receive a $50 gift certificate to Boofy's along with a gift basket. Entries are accepted through 10/31/2020, online voting runs 11/1-11/3/2020, and winners will be announced 11/3/2020. For complete details on how to enter, visit:

Zombie Apocalypse or not, we can't leave the pets without Halloween treats this year! Stop by Boofy's on 10/31/2020 (Halloween Saturday) or 11/1/2020 (Sunday) to pick up your dog or cat Halloween goodie bag while supplies last (first come, first served). We'll be open 10am-7pm each day.